Contents to Volume 47, Number 3
August 2016
Contents August 2016
The latest philatelic news from around the world, including: the Royal Mail production error that caused frustration for collectors, philatelic tributes to Tim Peak’s return to Earth and Norfolk Island releases its final independent issue.
Society News
More reports from the nation’s Philatelic Societies.
Diary Dates
Forthcoming fairs and auctions
Around the Houses
News of recent auction results.
New Collector
In his latest column, John Holman looks at British commemorative covers, bi-lingual country names on stamps and presents another collection of novelty stamp issues.
Another chance to win a £50 Stanley Gibbons voucher.
GB News
Royal Mail celebrates the 150th anniversary of Beatrix Potter with some of her most-loved characters.
The Humble Penny Pink
The Penny Pink envelope and lettersheet replaced Mulready stationery in 1841. Edward Klempka explains why this issue offers an affordable and exciting area to collect.
Machin Watch
John Deering examines the new Battle of Jutland inscription to be found on Post & Go stamps from Armed Forces museums.
The Local Post with a Global Reach
The story of how a fund-raising idea for a local stamp club became a lucrative business and left a philatelic legacy is told by John Hodgson.
GB Specialised Supplement
The latest supplement to the GB Specialised Catalogue.
Gibraltar's First Stamps
Four issues vie for the title of Gibraltar’s first stamp. Richard Garcia puts forward the case for each of the contenders.
Questions to the Chairman
GSM interviews the new Chairman of Stanley Gibbons, Harry Wilson, to ask him about his stamp collection and to learn about his vision for the future of Stanley Gibbons.
Tromelin: A True Desert Island
As Steve Pendleton has discovered, the tiny island of Tromelin off the coast of Madagascar offers an interesting variety of stamps, covers and cachets.
The Topaz Universal Postmark System
When postmark collecting became popular in the post-war era, the Topaz Universal Postmark System developed. David Horry looks at how it is becoming the standard reference for collectors and dealers alike.
Reviews of the latest philatelic publications.
Botswana – 50 Years of Stamps: Part 3 – Commemoratives
Otto Peetoom focuses on more of the commemorative issues of Botswana released since independence.
Top Olympic Champions of All Time
Jeff Dugdale explores how the world’s greatest Olympic athletes have been immortalised by the stamp world.
Travelling Post Offices and Mail Rail Cars at Heritage Railway Centres
With carriages from the Travelling Post Office now in the collections of heritage railways, Cyril R H Parsons highlights their place, and those of preserved Mail Rail cars, in both postal and railway history.
2015 Foreign Postal Stationery
Geir Sor-Reime concludes his annual alphabetical survey of postal stationery from around the world with a listing of foreign issues from Russia to Vatican City.
Stamp Hunting
Nimrod highlights the stamps of Cyprus.
Readers' Collections
A GSM reader shares his collecting passion.
Shore to Shore
More issues from Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man.
Stamp News in Brief
A summary of recent and forthcoming issues.
Alison Boyd investigates the stories behind some of the latest stamp issues from around the world.
Minds Over Matter
Alison Boyd investigates the stories behind some of the latest stamp issues from around the world.
The Unissued Stamps of King George VI
More fun from the Hedley Adams Mobbs collection
Catalogue Column
Hugh Jefferies offers more advice.
Catalogue Supplement
A 12-page update to the Stanley Gibbons catalogue.