Previous Issues

July 2013

Inside this month’s packed GSM, Ray Simpson presents new research that is redefining the origins of the so-called ‘Treasury Roulettes’ and David Horry explores the…

June 2013

Inside this month’s issue of GSM, John Holman takes a look at the development and introduction of the Queen Elizabeth II 1953 Coronation commemoratives and…

May 2013

Inside the May issue of Gibbons Stamp Monthly, John Deering reports on a recently discovered printing fault on Royal Mail’s London Underground issue and Robert Catto…

April 2013

Included in this month’s GSM, we track down some unique postal history items from Sir Ernest H Shackleton’s final Antarctic expedition and Steve Pendleton reveals…

March 2013

Inside March’s must-read issue of the world’s leading Philatelic Journal, W T Cochrane discusses one of the most fascinating issues of the Australian States and…

February 2013

Included inside the February issue of GSM, Paul T Carter takes a look at  Krag machine continuous-impression postmarks and Ashley Lawrence FRPSL discusses the printing…

January 2013

Inside January’s must-read issue of the world’s leading Philatelic Journal, John Holman takes a look at the stamps of Cambodia and Devlan Kruck tells us…

December 2012

Highlights of the December issue of GSM include  ‘Palestine: The London Overprints, 1921-22’ by Ashley Lawrence FRPSL and ‘Natal: The Provisional 2½d.’ by John Dickson

November 2012

The November issue of the world-leading Gibbons Stamp Monthly, featuring a collection of Specialised South Africa articles from renowned philatelists. 

October 2012

Inside the October issue of Gibbons Stamp Monthly, John Kimbrough MD reveals the dramatic story behind the De La Rue stamps of the Confederate States…

September 2012

Inside this month’s packed GSM, Ashley Lawrence FRPSL looks at the background and first issues of ‘The Blues’, issued for the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in…

August 2012

Included in this month’s GSM, Mark Lendon examines how changes to Romania’s monarchy, regime and currency, and their impact on the country’s stamps, offers a…