Previous Issues

July 2012

Inside this month’s issue of GSM, Michael Lockton presents a superbly illustrated article on the woefully neglected, privately printed GB letter cards and Steve Pendleton…

June 2012

Included in another eclectic mix of articles, Douglas Muir reveals an important new discovery in the field of British Return to Sender labels and discover…

May 2012

Inside this month’s packed GSM, Michael Peach presents a collection of covers that reveal how redirected mail was treated in the Victorian era and Ian…

April 2012

In the April issue of GSM, Peter Martin reveals the story of the five brave Titanic post office workers who made the ultimate sacrifice for…

March 2012

Included in this month’s GSM, Tom Slemons reassesses the much derided Mulready envelopes and letter sheets and concludes that, contrary to the generally-held belief, they…

February 2012

Inside this month’s issue of GSM, Robert Jack reveals a collecting field where torn and otherwise damaged stamps are very much sought-after and Cyril Parsons…

January 2012

Included in another eclectic mix of articles, Peter Martin provides an overview of the Liberty Series that heralded the modern era of US stamp production…

December 2011

Inside this month’s packed GSM, the New Zealand issues provided for the Shackleton and Scott expeditions to the Antarctic are examined by Robin Gwynn FRPSL,…

November 2011

Included in this month’s GSM, Christer Brunström highlights some examples of Cinderella stamps issued by hotels in remote destinations and John Holman celebrates 20 years…

October 2011

Included in this month’s GSM, Dr John L Kimbrough provides a survey of the stamps issued by the Confederates States of America and Christer Brunström…

September 2011

In the September issue of GSM, Tony Buckingham looks at the souvenirs marking anniversaries of the first UK Aerial Post and Peter Martin tells the…

August 2011

Included in another eclectic mix of articles, the background to three Australian attempts at producing a Royal Visit issue, all eventually abandoned, is provided by…