Previous Issues

July 2016

Included in this month’s GSM, the popular French Congo pictorials of 1900 have been widely studied and written about – however, as Michael Round reveals,…

June 2016

In the June issue of GSM, John Holman delivers another report on the latest developments in British postal stationery, labels and postmarks, the latest reports…

May 2016

Inside this month’s packed GSM, Edward Klempka looks at Henry Archer’s perforation machine which solved the problem of effectively separating early postage stamps from their…

April 2016

Included in another eclectic mix of articles, Glenn Morgan discusses the high-tech preparation methods, intricate proofing stages and final inspections needed to create the perfect…

March 2016

Inside this month’s issue of GSM, with its 175th anniversary just weeks away, Edward Klempka takes a look at the history of the iconic Penny…

February 2016

Included in this month’s GSM, John Moody examines the overprints, cachets and propaganda covers produced in the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia following the infamous Munich…

January 2016

In the January issue of GSM, John Horsey FRPSL explains why the fraudulent use of the £5 Orange in Victorian times was not restricted to…

December 2015

Inside this month’s packed GSM, Don Davies looks at some of the more unusual methods used by early letter senders to ensure mail reached its…

November 2015

Included in another eclectic mix of articles, Edward Klempka explores the events surrounding the introduction of the Penny Black, its early usages and eventual replacement…

October 2015

Inside this month’s issue of GSM, in the first of a series of articles on the franking system of Great Britain from 1652 to 1840,…

September 2015

Included in this month’s GSM, John Holman reveals more of the obligatory tax stamps of Central America and recalls Britain’s controversial 1965 set issued to…

August 2015

In the August issue of GSM, Don Davies reveals some curious covers that offer a new ‘angle’ on British postal history and John Deering dissects…